Music and Politics

On Facebook the new thing is to put a status comment up to make you change your profile picture (in case you are living under a rock and are without a FB!!) They put things up like throw-back week and wedding pics....etc. Today it was put up someone famous (singer, athlete, actor) you've been told you look like.

I'm a sucker and I like to play along so I tried to think of who I'd been told I look like. The only one who came to mind was Natalie Maines from the Dixie Chicks. Which I thought was crazy cause I'm constantly getting told that I look familure to people. I've pretty much decided I just must have one of those plain common faces that looks similar to alot of people.

Anyways I posted this....

Ok so I was told this back in 05...not long after the Chicks were in their hay-day. Back then I didn't really mind it. I fell in love with the Chicks way before Wide Open Spaces which is when most of the world fell for em.

Now I have to insert this now: I'm a total music fanatic. I have been singing since I was 2. I'm music obsessed. I have an opinion about pretty much everything that touches my ears. I will stress that it is an OPINION!! I know I'm not an expert, but I have more experience than most and I do feel at least half of the world is walking around tone deaf. Anyways that's not really the point of this I just thought I'd throw it in for those who don't know. :)

Ok back to the point....

I was a HUGE fan for many many years. I followed there sucess I wanted to be in a girl group just like them.

Then the bomb dropped. Yup Natalie opened her mouth. And my support of them completely ended.

Who would say something like that?? Who would diss their President in front of a huge crowd not even in the same country??

Natalie Maines that's who. I like other ppl boycotted their music.

Now I wasn't an over-the-top boycotter. I just stopped listening and buying their cd's.

I have seldom thought of them over the years. But today they were brought to my attention again. Now I didn't really want to post the picture cause I knew everyone had a negative association with them. I didn't want to seem like a supporter. But they haven't been heard from in a while so who cares right??

Well I googled her just to see what she had been up too. Pictures of her with a GI Jane style hair cut were found. (I'm not really a fan but I have a preference for I found sites were people dog her and people praise her.

And the more I thought about it the more I have come to the conclusion of who really gives a CRAP?!?!?!

Now I know at this point you're probably thinking well you do!! I know I've been talking about it the whole blog but this is my point. Who cares what she said 5 yrs or more ago?? Who really cares about her opinion at all?? She's out there to make music not politics. Now I'm not saying I agree with her. Obviously I don't but she's not the one in the White House making the decisions so I'm not really that bothered by it.

Which brings me to the topic of "Hollywood" and those associated with it coming out in support of different politicians. I watch their movies and buy their cds but I'm not looking for their opinions on all...PERIOD!!

Sure they are more than intitled to have it. That's why I blog cause I have a voice and I like to use it. But just because they support one person or issue doesn't mean I'm going to start.

People these days are way to easily swayed but famous people. We live in a total "monkey see monkey do" culture. Children see the celebrities and what they wear and they jump on the band wagon. I just don't feel that a famous person is a reliable source when it comes to politics. Sure if they can produce a government or political science degree I'll probably listen but until then they can speak it all they want but we shouldn't put much value in it.

Everyone has an opinion about everything. Its that simple. From your average Joe Blow to the Queen of Pop. Some don't feel the need to share it...ever. While others (ahem myself included) feel like throwing it out there from time to time...or yeah. Lol

But just because they have a grammy or academy award doesn't give it anymore validity than mine.

Our nation needs to start looking hard and long at our political leaders in front of us. Not the celebrities. And I'm not just talking about those stirring our scandals. We need to listen to what they ALL say. If there was more time spent watching Fox News and other shows devoted to "true" news as well as magazines and newspapers as there was to E! News, People, Us and Ok...maybe we wouldn't get caught up in all these scandals and really really see the REAL issues our nation is facing.

And possibly just possibly we won't worry next time a celebrity blows off their mouth!

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